What is certification? Certification is the process required in order to receive benefits. You can get the name and phone number of the WIC agency near you by calling 1-80 or through the New York State Department of Health web site.

The New York State WIC Program Cook together. Your questions and comments are always welcome. Your rights and responsibilities as a WIC participant.Livret du participant pour les femmes, nourrissons et enfants - French (PDF, 695KB, 24pg).WIC Participant Handbook for Women, Infants, and Children - Russian (PDF, 708KB, 24pg).WIC Participant Handbook for Women, Infants, and Children - Chinese (PDF, 5.41MB, 24pg).Manual para participantes para mujeres, bebés y niños - Spanish (PDF, 697KB, 24pg).WIC Participant Handbook for Women, Infants, and Children - English (PDF, 673KB, 13pg).WIC Participant Handbook for Women, Infants, and Children The WIC Participant Handbook for Women, Infants, and Children booklet is available in Portable Document Format in several translations. All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety.Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care.